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Windows systems only Polish letters
" quot &#34 quotation mark
& & amp & &#38 ampersand
< &lt; lt < &#60 less-than sign
> &gt; gt > &#62 greater-than sign
  &nbsp; nbsp   &#160 no-break space
non-breaking space
¤ &curren; curren ¤ &#164 currency sign
¦ &brvbar; brvbar ¦ &#166 broken bar
broken vertical bar
§ &sect; sect § &#167 section sign
¨ &uml; uml ¨ &#168 diaeresis
spacing diaeresis
© &copy; copy © &#169 copyright sign
« &laquo; laquo « &#171 left-pointing double angle quotation mark
left pointing guillemet
¬ &not; not ¬ &#172 not sign
discretionary hyphen
­ &shy; shy ­ &#173 soft hyphen
discretionary hyphen
® &reg; reg ® &#174 registered sign
registered trade mark sign
° &deg; deg ° &#176 degree sign
± &plusmn; plusmn ± &#177 plus-minus sign
plus-or-minus sign
´ &acute; acute ´ &#180 acute accent
spacing acute
µ &micro; micro µ &#181 micro sign
&para; para &#182 pilcrow sign
paragraph sign
· &middot; middot · &#183 middle dot
Georgian comma
Greek middle dot
¸ &cedil; cedil ¸ &#184 cedilla
spacing cedilla
» &raquo; raquo » &#187 right-pointing double angle quotation mark
right pointing guillemet
Á &Aacute; Aacute Á &#193 capital A with acute
 &Acric; Acric  &#194 capital A with circumflex
Ä &Auml; Auml Ä &#196 capital A with diaeresis
Ç &Ccedil; Ccedil Ç &#199 capital C with cedilla
É &Eacute; Eacute É &#201 capital E with acute
Ë &Euml; Euml Ë &#203 capital E with diaeresis
Í &lacute; Iacute Í &#205 capital I with acute
Î &lcirc; Icirc Î &#206 capital I with circumflex
Ó &Oacute; Oacute Ó &#211 capital O with acute
Ô &Ocirc; Ocirc Ô &#212 capital O with circumflex
Ö &Ouml; Ouml Ö &#214 capital O with diaeresis
× &times; times × &#215 multiplication sign
Ú &Uacute; Uacute Ú &#218 capital U with acute
Ü &Uuml; Uuml Ü &#220 capital U with diaeresis
Ý &Yacute; Yacute Ý &#221 capital Y with acute
ß &szlig; szlig ß &#223 small sharp s
á &aacute; aacute á &#225 small a with acute
â &acirc; acirc â &#226 small a with circumflex
ä &auml; auml ä &#228 small a with diaeresis
ç &ccdil; ccedil ç &#231 small c with cedilla
é &eacute; eacute é &#233 small e with acute
ë &euml; euml ë &#235 small e with diaeresis
í &iacute; iacute í &#237 small i with acute
î &icirc; icirc î &#238 small i with circumflex
ó &oacute; oacute ó &#243 small o, acute accent
ô &ocirc; ocirc ô &#244 small o with circumflex
ö &ouml; ouml ö &#246 small o with diaeresis
÷ &divide; divide ÷ &#247 division sign
ú &uacute; uacute ú &#250 small u with acute
ü &uuml; uuml ü &#252 small u with diaeresis
ý &yacute; yacute ý &#253 small y with acute
Ă Abreve Abreve Ă &#258 capital A, breve
ă abreve abreve ă &#259 small a, breve
Ą Aogon Aogon Ą &#260 capital A, ogonek
ą aogon aogon ą &#261 small a, ogonek
Ć Cacute Cacute Ć &#262 capital C, acute accent
ć cacute cacute ć &#263 small c, acute accent
Č Ccaron Ccaron Č &#268 capital C, caron
č ccaron ccaron č &#269 small c, caron
Ď Dcaron Dcaron Ď &#270 capital D, caron
ď dcaron dcaron ď &#271 small d, caron
Đ Dstrok Dstrok Đ &#272 capital D, stroke
đ dstrok dstrok đ &#273 small d, stroke
Ę Eogon Eogon Ę &#280 capital E, ogonek
ę eogon eogon ę &#281 small e, ogonek
Ě Ecaron Ecaron Ě &#282 capital E, caron
ě ecaron ecaron ě &#283 small e, caron
Ĺ Lacute Lacute Ĺ &#313 capital L, acute accent
ĺ lacute lacute ĺ &#314 small l, acute accent
Ľ Lcaron Lcaron Ľ &#317 capital L, caron
ľ lcaron lcaron ľ &#318 small l, caron
Ł Lstrok Lstrok Ł &#321 capital L, stroke
ł lstrok lstrok ł &#322 small l, stroke
Ń Nacute Nacute Ń &#323 capital N, acute accent
ń nacute nacute ń &#324 small n, acute accent
Ň Ncaron Ncaron Ň &#327 capital N, caron
ň ncaron ncaron ň &#328 small n, caron
Ŕ Racute Racute Ŕ &#340 capital R, acute accent
ŕ racute racute ŕ &#341 small r, acute accent
Ř Rcaron Rcaron Ř &#344 capital R, caron
ř rcaron rcaron ř &#345 small r, caron
Ś Sacute Sacute Ś &#346 capital S, acute accent
ś sacute sacute ś &#347 small s, acute accent
Ş Scedil Scedil Ş &#350 capital S, cedilla
ş scedil scedil ş &#351 small s, cedilla
Š Scaron Scaron Š &#352 capital S, caron
š scaron scaron š &#353 small s, caron
Ţ Tcedil Tcedil Ţ &#354 capital T, cedilla
ţ tcedil tcedil ţ &#355 small t, cedilla
Ť Tcaron Tcaron Ť &#356 capital T, caron
ť tcaron tcaron ť &#357 small t, caron
Ů Uring Uring Ů &#366 capital U, ring
ů Uring Uring ů &#367 small u, ring
Ű Udblac Udblac Ű &#368 capital U, double acute accent
ű udblac udblac ű &#369 small u, double acute accent
Ź Zacute Zacute Ź &#377 capital Z, acute accent
ź zacute zacute ź &#378 small z, acute accent
Ż Zdot Zdot Ż &#379 capital Z, dot above
ż zdot zdot ż &#380 small z, dot above
Ž Zcaron Zcaron Ž &#381 capital Z, caron
ž zcaron zcaron ž &#382 small z, caron
ˇ caron caron ˇ &#711 caron
˘ breve breve ˘ &#728 breve
˙ dot dot ˙ &#729 dot above
˛ ogon ogon ˛ &#731 ogonek
˝ dblac dblac ˝ &#733 double acute accent
      &#8482 trademark sign
      &#8211 en dash
      &#8212 em dash